Turkey Riding Tarpon, 03/26/24, #10

Turkey Riding Tarpon, 03/26/24, #10

It's pretty awesome that I seem to have gotten into the routine of doing these. They are fun, they make me a better artist and creator. The routine every weekday morning is: brainstorm, illustrate, mockup up products, add the collection to the website, write a blog post about the design, add new links to my link tree, and then post to Instagram and Pinterest.

I do believe the week day illustrations are helping my reach on Instagram. I hope people are looking forward to them, and I hope new people get excited about it as well. Either way, I am having fun with it. My total routine with these takes anywhere from 3-5 hours each morning. Luckily, I start early around 5:30am most mornings.

Back to today's illustration though. The inspiration behind the Turkey Riding A Tarpon design can be summed up by Spring time!

Here in South Carolina, Turkey season is around March and April. I think turkeys are one of the coolest birds. Unfortunately, I don't go turkey hunting like I would like. Every year I say I'm going, but just never do. It sneaks up on me each year. 

Then, not too far behind the turkeys, the tarpon start showing up in South Carolina. To top it off, flood tides and tailing redfish really start up too. 

It's just the best time of year: Tailers, turkeys, and tarpon. I will have to make that into a design and put it on a shirt for sure. 

The design itself was inspired by the black and white drawings of cowboys riding horses. That style just looks so iconic. I just love the look and a bold idea deserves an iconic bold look. Rough as well. 

I hope y'all enjoyed learning about the design, and that y'all get after the turkeys, tailers, and tarpon.

If you would like to shop products with this design you can click here

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